2016-17 Madison County Business League & Foundation Board of Directors
Seated from Left to Right:
Director Donna Sims, BankPlus; Vice Chairman Phil Buffington, Adams & Reese; Chairman Sam Kelly, Brunini Grantham Grower & Hewes; Immediate
Past Chairman Tina Lakey, CenterPoint Energy; Secretary-Treasurer Brad Maley, BancorpSouth; MCEDA Appointee Dr. Dwight Luckett, Retired Superintendent
of Canton Schools.
Standing from Left to Right”
Director Trace Swartzfager, St. Dominic Health Services, Inc.; MCEDA Appointee Jim Smith, Merrill Lynch; Director Dr. Don Burnham, Holmes
Community College; Director Brad McMullan, Bfac.Com; MCEDA Appointee Doug Jones, Lake Caroline; Director Rodney Grogan, MMC Materials, Inc.; Director
Barney Daly, Trustmark; Executive Director, Jan Collins.
Not pictured:
Director Terrell Knight, C Spire and MCEDA Appointee Calvin Harris, Warnock Engineering