The annual County/Congressional District/Extension Region/State Health Economics profiles have been updated and are now available at As a reminder, these profiles do not measure healthcare affordability or accessibility, but rather provide some insight on the importance of the healthcare sector to your local economy.
the website.
We have also updated the monthly change in sales subject to sales tax profiles (the “COVID” profiles) for the 12 month period June 2021 through May 2022 and they can also be found at
Please feel free to use this information in your programs as you see fit. Also, please don’t hesitate to send me a note about any information contained in any of the profiles that doesn’t look quite “right.” This was how I discovered that I had made a mistake in the Retail Sales Profiles. We do our best to make sure that the information that we post is accurate, but we (meaning myself!!) do make mistakes.
As always, these profiles are free to download and use in your economic and community development programs.
Provided by Alan Barefield, Extension Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics