Dear Friend,
The end of this month marks 15 years since Hurricane Katrina hit our shores. This hurricane season, Mississippi is more prepared and so are our citizens.
Please take a moment to review the information provided in this email and be sure to have an updated plan for evacuation, communication, and preparation
in the event of a hurricane. The presence of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in your area may require changes to your plans, so it’s important to update
your family response plan in accordance with certain limitations imposed by the COVID-19 restrictions. Please visit for tips.
In the event of a hurricane, I will share important information from state and federal emergency management organizations. I encourage you to subscribe to my newsletter to receive disaster updates, as well as other important information about legislation in Washington, D.C. You can subscribe to my newsletter by
answering the question below. I also encourage you to follow the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency’s (MEMA) Twitter page and the National Hurricane Center’s Twitter page for real-time updates.
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*By clicking yes, you agree to receive email updates from me.
MEMA Hurricane Preparedness Guide
The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) Hurricane Preparedness Guide offers useful information when preparing for and responding to an active hurricane. You can view or download the guide by clicking on the graphic
FEMA Resources
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has provided useful resources when preparing for and responding to a disaster. If a natural disaster
strikes and you or your family are impacted, FEMA offers disaster relief to help victims get back on their feet. I encourage you to subscribe to my newsletter to learn more about federal government assistance opportunities in the wake of a natural disaster. Also, be sure to download the FEMA App to receive alerts and warnings.
Click here to Download the FEMA App
Michael Guest
Member of Congress