Blueprint Mississippi Health Care: An Economic Driver

Study Looks at Workforce Development, Quality of Life, Business Sustainability, and Creation of Economic Wealth.

Photo: Haley Fisackerly, CEO of Entergy Mississippi, Ed Day, CEO of Mississippi Power, Gov. Phil Bryant, Jerry Host, CEO of Trustmark and MEC Chair, and David Shaw, Vice President of Research at Mississippi State University at the Biloxi release of Blueprint Mississippi Health Care: ‘An Economic Driver’.

Gov. Phil Bryant Outlines Goals as Study Unveiled at Meetings in Biloxi, Tupelo & Jackson

Expanding the University of Mississippi School of Medicine and adding 1,000 physicians to the state’s workforce are part of Gov. Phil Bryant’s vision for strengthening Mississippi’s economy by investing in health care.

During three meetings today, Friday, Oct. 26, Gov. Bryant is outlining his vision for growing the state’s health care economy and unveiling the findings of a new Blueprint Mississippi health care study. Bryant announced a funding award toward the expansion of the University of Mississippi School of Medicine. The first meeting was held in Biloxi at 7:30 a.m. Meetings are planned for Tupelo at 11:30 a.m. and Jackson at 3:30 p.m. today. 

“I am pleased to announce that the Mississippi Development Authority will award $10 million in Community Development Block Grant funds to UMMC to aid in the expansion of its School of Medicine,” Bryant said. “Mississippi needs more physicians, and we cannot wait any longer.”

Bryant is encouraging new development in the state’s larger medical regions through the Mississippi Health Care Industry Zone Act. The legislation, part of Bryant’s ‘Mississippi Works’ agenda, became law this year and provides incentives to certain health care-related businesses that locate in a certified health care zone.