Dear Friend,
This week was one of the more difficult weeks for our nation in recent history. The pictures that appeared across the nation on television and computer
screens will never rest easily in the minds of Americans. Now, it’s vitally important that we turn our attention toward healing our nation following
the events that took place at the Capitol, and I encourage all Americans to focus on the common values we share as citizens of this great country
and to put aside our perceived differences. It is time to heal.
In this spirit, I believe the articles of impeachment that are being discussed in the House of Representatives would be counterproductive and divide
our country even further. As we begin preparing for a transfer of power from one administration to another in less than 12 days, I believe it is
vitally important to allow our nation to heal, and I believe these articles of impeachment would prevent our nation from beginning the healing
For more details on the events that transpired this week, I encourage you to listen to my interview with Frank Corder on Y’all Politics and I ask you to continue to pray for our country.
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.– John 16:33
Michael Guest
Member of Congress