CONGRESSMAN MICHAEL GUEST: Will the U.S. Default on Its Debt?

Dear Friend, When it comes to the debt ceiling, Republicans and Democrats agree on one thing: The United States should not default on its debts. It all comes down to what actions are taken, and the ball is in the court of the Democrats.

By controlling the House, Senate, and White House, Democrats are positioned to address the debt ceiling, and they have had the opportunity to do so multiple times. For example, they could have suspended the debt ceiling by adding a provision to the “Build Back Better plan, also known as the Tax and Spend legislation, and pass it without Republican support. Congressional Democrats, however, would be stuck with the receipt if they took this route, and voters would not be happy with a bill that simultaneously increased the debt limit and increased the debt by trillions of dollars.

Instead of taking responsibility for their reckless spending, Congressional Democrats have played political brinkmanship to try to coerce Republicans into joining them in suspending the debt limit. Their plan relies on putting as much pressure as they can on Republicans in hopes that a few would join in helping them suspend the debt ceiling. If the Democrats can do that, they will be able to say that suspending the debt ceiling was “bipartisan,” and this will save them a lot of headache at the polls in 2022. Even worse is that some Congressional Democrats have suggested eliminating the filibuster in the U.S. Senate to suspend the debt limit.

Thankfully, most Republicans saw the Democrats’ political move coming months ago. Many of my colleagues in the House and I signed a promise to the American people that we would not vote to increase or suspend the debt limit. Instead, we proposed that the Democrats take responsibility for the huge amounts of spending that they have continued to pursue. During their time in control, they refused to incorporate Republican amendments and provisions to curb spending or to make better use of taxpayer dollars. Democrats continue to create a potential fiscal crisis with reckless spending. It’s their responsibility to solve it.

It appears that agreement may have been reached today in the U.S. Senate to stave off the impending debt limit deadline by increasing the debt ceiling through the end of next month.

The Democrats control the House, Senate, and White House. They have an easy option to address the debt limit through reconciliation. If they allow the U.S. to default on its debt it will be because they refused to accept responsibility for their reckless spending. In the News Guest: I Won’t Vote to Raise the Debt Ceiling Congressman Michael Guest reacts to spending bill passed on Capitol Hill Three Mississippi schools receive $1.7M in education grants

Michael Guest
Member of Congress