2023-2024 Board of Directors
The Madison County Business League & Foundation (MCBL&F) proudly announces the 2023-24 Board of Directors and Officers. The MCBL&F was created in 2008 to serve as the private partner of the Madison County Economic Development Authority (MCEDA) and to serve as the voice of the Madison County business community.
The mission of the Madison County Business League & Foundation is to bring together, under one organization, the voice of numerous entities to establish a clear and concise message for the future. This organization, which is comprised of elected, appointed, business and individual leaders of Madison County, will enable all partners in business and economic development to participate collectively in bringing together the overall vision for Madison County.
Seated (l-r): Secretary Treasurer Sam Kelly, Brunini; Immediate Past Chairman Supt. Charlotte Seals, Madison County Schools; Chairman John Geary, Tellus Operating Group; Vice Chairman Katie Bryant Snell, BSS Global; Matt Davidson, Atmos Energy.
Middle row (l-r): Jan Collins, MCBL&F; Stan Wright, Neel Shaffer; Alveno Castilla, Butler Snow; Deborah Martin, Service Specialists; Gerard Gibert, MCEDA Appointee; Doug Jones, MCEDA Appointee; Gabe Godbold, Renasant Bank; Ellis Wise, MCBL&F.
Top row (l-r): Chris Roberts, BankPlus; Dr. Ronnie McGehee, McGehee, LLC; Brian Johnson, FBB Insurance; Wint McGee, MCEDA Appointee; Dr. Phyllis Johnson, MS Board of Nursing; Carl Watts, Olde Towne Cleaners.
Not Pictured: Dwight Luckett, MCEDA Appointee