Madison County Creative Economy Celebration: Saluting our Artisans!

All 5 chambers of commerce in Madison County, Canton Convention & Visitors
Bureau, Madison County Business League, Madison County Foundation, Madison
County Economic Development Authority, and the Ridgeland Tourism Commission
are joining forces to recognize and celebrate our county artisans and their
contribution to our creative economy. 

The Madison County Creative Economy
Celebration: Saluting our Artisans will be held on Tuesday, April 24, 2012,
from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. at the Madison Square Center for the Arts at 2103 Main
Street in Madison. The event will be by invitation only.

Pictured planning the event are back row (l-r): Mina Thorgeson, Ridgeland
Tourism Commission; Pam Mahony, Madison the City Chamber of Commerce; Susan
Marquez, consultant; Joann Gordon, CCVB; Gina Daniels, MCF; Jana Hughes,
CCVB; Kasey Perry, Madison County Chamber of Commerce; and Natoya Hill,
Seated – Lenita Knight, MCEDA; Lise Foy, Canton Chamber of Commerce; and Jan
Collins, MCBL.