The 2015-16 Madison County Youth Leadership (MCYL) Class participated
in Career Day on Wednesday, October 28, 2015. Two juniors from each of the Madison County public, private and parochial schools, plus New Summit and
Jackson Academy (26 total), enjoyed a whirl wind day visiting leading businesses. Four college/university students representing USM, Tulane University
and Holmes Community College, served as mentors for the class.
The propose of the program is to raise awareness among the students of the quality of life and many fine career opportunities and we have to offer in Madison
County! And, to develop leadership skills and encourage students to take their knowledge and experience into their schools and community.
The day began with a breakfast sponsored by Holmes Community College
in the law offices of Adams & Reese. G. Robert Parrott II welcomed the class and guests to Adams & Reese. Will Blitch, Student pastor at Pinelake
Church Madison gave an inspirational devotion followed by keynote speaker Joel Bomgar, Chairman and Founder of Bomgar Corporation and Representative-elect.
Other companies visited were C Spire, Taggart Rimes & Graham, PLLC, Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company, Seafood Revolution, Nissan North
America, TelehealthONE and the Global Training Institute. The luncheon was sponsored by Security Ballew and Seafood Revolution and held at Seafood
Revolution. TempStaff was the sponsor of the Madison County Citizens Services Agency bus which shuttled the students around the county.
The MCYL Committee is comprised of Madison County Business League & Foundation volunteers. Volunteers include Dr. Don Burnham, VP Holmes Community
College- Ridgeland Campus; Dean Sherry Chance, Tulane University – Madison Campus; Rochelle Culp, MS Tobacco Coalition of Madison, Yazoo and Holmes
Counties; Pat McNulty, Security Ballew; Amanda Fontaine, MS Burn Foundation; Monte Barton, Jernigan Copeland & Anderson; John Taylor, The Taylor
Companies; Joe Donovan, Millsaps College; and Taquana Mack, MCEDA.
The next session is Quality of Life Day scheduled for Wednesday, January 20, 2016. Government Day is Wednesday, February 24, 2016.