Message from the Chairman of the Madison County Business League & Foundation

Supt. Charlotte Seals

Chairman, 2022-23

  • Moving Forward this Year, with celebrating 15 years, we want to conduct a thorough review and evaluation of our existing programs, committees, and services to determine alignment with where we are now as a County and to determine how we can further improve our efforts to promote all of Madison County
  • The MCBL&F wants to continue advocating with local, state, and national elected officials for the needs of Madison County
  • Continue to host quality events addressing timely topics for business leaders which provide networking opportunities to meet other business leaders and elected officials
  • Strengthening Workforce Development efforts in partnership with MCEDA, k-12 schools, Holmes Community College, IHL and MCBL&F Members, continue to be a priority
  • Continuing our mission of assisting MCEDA in their efforts to recruit new industry, industry expansion, and better paying jobs in Madison County
  • Promoting and growing our diversity and inclusion membership, events, and trainings 
  • Investing in our students to address the “brain drain” that our state is experiencing by sponsoring career exploration programs and incorporating more financial literacy in our schools  
  • Speaking of our youth, continuing to invest in students by partnering with Madison County Community Trust to provide scholarships to our youth leadership class and other educational needs
  • Growing our Executive Leadership Class and Young Professional programs to strengthen and educate our emerging leaders about Madison County 

I look forward to working together to achieve these goals in 2023!

Charlotte Seals,

MCBL&F Chairman