MSU Extension Service is conducting an important statewide online survey of Mississippi businesses regarding the issues and challenges, as well as opportunities,
that they have faced during the COVID-19 pandemic. Extension Economist Alan Barefield is leading the effort in Mississippi, partnering with Blane Canada,
Ltd., an international economic development management and advisory firm, who is leading this project at the national level.
The survey consists of two rounds. The first round will open on June 2 and close on June 12.The link for the first survey round
is: .
We will send you the link for the second round on June 29. It is important that you complete the first survey before trying to
complete the second one. It’s also important to convey that you can skip answering any question that causes discomfort. Once the survey rounds are
complete, you will be notified of the availability of the analyses as they are completed.
The goal of the survey is to document the issues that these businesses face and develop operational and policy recommendations to facilitate not only the
retention, but also the expansion, of these businesses in a changing economic environment.
The purpose is to provide important information to state and federal policymakers and stakeholders who will be crafting policy and assistant packages as
the COVID-19 pandemic continues.The survey does not ask for the identity of businesses and that the data will only be analyzed and reported in the