The Madison County Business League
& Foundation invites you to attend a Public Safety Breakfast Forum on Tuesday, October 18, 2016, from 8:00 AM– 9:30 AM, at the Nissan Training Center (see below). The doors will open at 8:00 AM for a buffet breakfast and networking. The program begins promptly
at 8:30. Dr. Lou Marciani, Director of the National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (NCS4) at The University of Southern Mississippi,
will be the keynote speaker.
With the threat of violence in today’s world, I believe that our businesses, churches, schools, homes and community should be proactive in preparing for
any crisis that may strike Madison County! Dr. Marciani’s work at the Center focuses on the development and implementation of risk management, incident
management, and evacuation training. He collaborates with professional sport leagues, intercollegiate and interscholastic athletics, marathon events,
along with professional associations, private sector firms and government agencies to address the issues constituting potential, actual threats and
risks to the ongoing security and safety of spectators at sporting events, event venues and other large gatherings. He gathers the latest knowledge,
technology and strategies to deal with today’s safety and security challenges and solutions. NCS4 is a critical resource for sport venue managers,
event managers, first responders and other key stakeholders. His topic will apply these techniques to our community needs.
Please join us for this most interesting and important forum. Please RSVP no later than Friday, October 15, 2016. Tickets are $25.00 and can be purchased
by clicking on (No charge for Pillar Sponsors or elected officials).
One vision, One voice,
Directions to Nissan from Jackson International Airport:
25 miles). Proceed to exit 114, take the
Alternate Route: From the Airport, travel south to the “roundabout” intersection with
20 miles to exit 114. Take the
Directions to Nissan from Memphis (I-55 traveling southbound):
Taking I-55 South, take the
Gate numbers are labeled at each entrance. The entrance to the lobby of the plant is marked by the red tile wall. Visitor parking is on your left when
you enter this area.