Representative Cory Wilson: The Fall Routine.

Cory WilsonFall also means that the 2018 Legislative Session is right around the corner, and we’re working on priorities for legislation.
I’d like to see us focus on improving the way we fund education, maintaining roads and bridges, and using your tax dollars more transparently and efficiently.

In case you missed it, you can see a recap of the 2017 Sessions and follow
bills as introduced via

What are your priorities? As we head into Fall, I plan to get out and visit with voters, and always appreciate your feedback. If you are involved
in a civic group, neighborhood association meeting, or other venue and you’d like me to come speak, I’d welcome the chance to visit. Just reply to
this email, or you can always offer feedback or get in touch via our website.

Photo: Even in the “off season,” we have committee meetings and other events at the Capitol. Recently the House Transportation Committee convened to discuss increasing efficiency and saving tax dollars at the Mississippi Department of Transportation. We’re working to turn these ideas into conservative policy come January.

PARENTS: If you are concerned about your kids’ screen time, here’s an event on Thursday just for you. Hosted by the Germantown Middle School PTO.

Mark your calendars for Cory’s Gathering @ the Gathering, with Speaker Philip Gunn!
To RSVP, click here.

I’ve always viewed serving as your Representative as a team effort. We’re in this together. Please let me know your thoughts — on strengthening education,
improving roads, and moving Mississippi forward. Your input this Fall will help me work smarter for Madison County when we convene come January!

As always, thank you for all you are doing to make Mississippi a better place. I’m honored to serve as your voice at the Capitol!
