Reunion Parkway Phase 2

Bozeman Road to Parkway East, Madison County, Mississippi. Residential and commercial development continues to boom in the area north of Madison, MS and south of Canton known as Gluckstadt. Area roads consisting
of MS 463, Gluckstadt Road and Bozeman Road are highly congested and over capacity during peak traffic periods in both the mornings and evenings. A
recent traffic study completed on behalf of the Madison County Board of Supervisors showed east-west traffic is growing at an annual rate of 6%.

Current east-west traffic on Gluckstadt Road, which extends from MS 463 on the west to Interstate 55 on the east, is 17,000 vehicles per day. That volume
of traffic exceeds the current capacity of Gluckstadt Road by 70%. The traffic study projected, based on the current 6% annual growth rate, that the
average daily traffic will be 30,000 vehicles per day in 2027 (10 years) which will be 200% greater than the current road’s capacity.

The Madison County Board of Supervisors has begun the process of widening Gluckstadt Road and Bozeman Road but even that will not provide the capacity
needed in 10 years for east-west traffic. It is clear that Madison County needs another east-west corridor and access to Interstate 55 to handle the
traffic growth generated by ongoing commercial and residential development.

The new east-west corridor is known as Reunion Parkway which extends from MS 463 on the west and then eastward to Interstate 55 before terminating at U.S.
51 north of Madison as shown in the attached drawing. Madison County has completed Phase 1 of Reunion Parkway from MS 463 to Bozeman Road and Phase
3, which extends from Parkway East to U.S. 51 is in design. The critical phase needed now is Phase 2 which completes the link and extends from Bozeman
Road to Interstate 55 and eastward to Parkway East. Phase 2 will consist of a multi-lane road from Bozeman Road to Parkway East with a bridge over
Interstate 55. MDOT has indicated that they will connect to the bridge with ramps when Interstate 55 is widened between MS 463 and Gluckstadt Road.
The Madison County Board of Supervisors has taken steps to begin Phase 2 by hiring a professional engineer to prepare the environmental re-assessment
which will be completed before the end of 2018.

Reunion Phase 2 will have benefits beyond providing more east-west lanes and a badly needed connection to Interstate 55. The Madison County Economic Development
Authority (MCEDA) fully supports the requested funds from the State of Mississippi Legislature to construct the Reunion Parkway Phase 2. MDEDA estimates
that anticipated growth will drive not only new homes construction, but more retail growth in Madison County and could reasonably be expected to result
in more than $8,600,000 per year in incremental property taxes and more than $30,000,000 in new sales tax revenue for the State of Mississippi. Attached
is a letter of support from MCEDA.

The Madison County Board of Supervisors respectfully asks the Mississippi Legislature for $24 million for design and construction of Reunion Parkway Phase

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