The 2015-2016 school year is in full force, and my staff and I have had
a great time traveling the state sharing the work we are doing in the Treasurer’s Office. Earlier this month, members of my staff had an opportunity
to participate in Madison County Schools’ Reality Fair. If you have a student in the 9th grade in Madison County, they most likely were involved in
the Reality Fair held at Rosa Scott High School. The program has been a great tool aimed at teaching personal finance, budgeting, and offering a glimpse
into life in the “real world.” It has been great to watch Madison County School District’s example in building personal finance into their curriculum
in such a practical, memorable way. Their work mirrors the aim of our TEAM initiative.
To kick off the new school year, the Treasurer’s Education about Money, or TEAM, has launched its third semester of working to fulfill our goal of reaching
every high school across this state with personal finance education. Earlier in the month, I spoke at Germantown High School in Madison County to highlight
the successes of our first year of TEAM in terms of teacher training, school participation, student participation, and financial gain. To read more
about how we expanded TEAM in the first year, turn to page 4 of this newsletter.
Download and read the full September 2015 Treasury Notes newsletter