Virtual Early Childhood Symposium offered by Canton Public School



Gary Hannah, Superintendent

November 5, 2020


Dear Early Childhood Professionals:

On behalf of the Canton Public School District, I am excited to announce our 1st VIRTUAL Early Childhood Symposium via ZOOM on Saturday, December 5, 2020 from 9:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m.

The focus for the symposium will be:

  • Strategies for an effective Early Childhood Program
  • The importance of small group instruction and literacy in early childhood education

We hope that you will attend our VIRTUAL ZOOM Early Childhood Symposium! The session will begin at 9:00 a.m. with registration
beginning at 8:30 a.m.Childcare staff members will receive contact hours for attendance. You may register by returning the attached registration form
via email, fax, or mail by Monday, November 30, 2020.If you prefer, you may call-in your registration at (601) 859-6720 (see info on the bottom of the registration form).

Join us VIRTUALLY via ZOOM as we strive to meet the needs of students entering Kindergarten!

The Zoom information for the professional development will be provided soon.


Shoney Harris

Director of Literacy & Early Childhood Education


“Perseverance Conquers All”