Your Weekly Legislative Update

this week the Mississippi Legislature worked to consider bills that originated in the other chamber. The House met in committees to discuss Senate
bills before Tuesday’s deadline. Dozens of bills died in committee on this deadline.

The 2018 session is 2/3 over at this point. You can view a list of all bills that are still active here.

I enjoyed visiting with some of Madison County’s best and brightest at the Capitol this week, as a group from Leadership Madison County visited to get
a firsthand look at the legislative process.

After Tuesday’s committee deadline, the legislature spent the rest of the week voting on bills. Here are a few highlights from this week:

  • HB 1083:
    This bill was originally passed by the House to provide an avenue of legal appeal for individuals whose Second Amendment rights were being denied
    by public agencies. The Senate amended this bill to allow schools, in their discretion, to allow teachers to receive training and carry concealed
    firearms for self-defense.
  • SB 2675:
    The House considered this bill, which makes a number of improvements to our state’s foster care system. Mississippi has a high number of children
    in foster care, and this bill aims to reduce that population and strengthen families in the state.
  • SB 2526:
    The House passed this bill, which intends to reduce government regulations on businesses. It requires occupational licensing boards to review rules
    and regulations they place on private businesses in the state. Often, these boards can limit employment and job growth with burdensome restrictions.
    This bill aims to reduce these restrictions.

You can view all of the bills passed by the House this week on my weekly vote post by clicking here.
This also includes my votes, a short explanation of the bill, and how I voted on each bill.

The House adjourned for the week on Thursday to save the taxpayers over $30,000 by not conducting business on Friday.

Next week, the legislature will continue voting on general bills. The next deadline is Wednesday, March 7, and all general bills must be passed out of
each chamber by that day.

Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or comments about pending legislation! You can always reach me via email at or on my cell phone at(601) 207-0813.

It’s an honor to represent you!

God Bless,
