Financial Fundamentals – September 17, 2020

Finance is the language of business, and many of us feel intimidated when talking of balance sheets, income statements, operating profits and cash
flows. There is a growing need to develop all employees’ business acumen: a big picture understanding of how business works, and a broader awareness
of how one’s decisions and actions impact the results of the business.

Course Objective:

In this course, using interactive business simulation where you will be immersed in setting and running your own business, you will develop a new ability
to visualize corporate financial information as a single landscape of interacting forces. You will experience how other departments affect how
you do your job, and how you do your job affects other departments.

Who Should Attend:

Professionals, managers, supervisors, team leaders, lead positions on the production line with the responsibility for improving results with and through
others, payables personnel, receivables personnel, sales staff, customer service, inventory control personnel and R&D personnel.

Mississippi State University CAVS-E Facility


153 Mississippi Parkway


Canton, MS 39046