MSU Awarded DOL MDES Grant – Enhancing Manufacturing Skills for Mississippians

A grant has been awarded by Department of Labor (DOL) – Mississippi Department of Employment Security (MDES) as part of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Program to Mississippi State University’s CAVS Extension. This grant allows us to offer exciting training opportunities at no cost to eligible recipients as part of the Enhancing Manufacturing Skills for Mississippians (EMSM) program. See the list of classes and details by clicking the “Learn More” button below.
Enhancing Manufacturing Skills for Mississippians program is designed to:Introduce a bootcamp style learning environment entitled “Manufacturing Skills Development Bootcamp” (MSDB).Provide an opportunity to gain the skills necessary for jobs within the advanced manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, shipbuilding industries, as well as other manufacturing sectors.Focus on skills in leadership, critical thinking/problem solving, process improvement, project management, teamwork, collaboration, and effective communication skills.