Pathways 2 Possibilities Career Fair

Pathways2Possibilities: P2P comes to Central Mississippi to help 8th graders and identified older youth explore opportunities for their career future.


We are excited to launch the inaugural P2P Career Fair in Central Mississippi on Wednesday and Thursday, November 6th & 7th 2019, at the Jackson
Convention Complex in Jackson, Mississippi. All 8th graders from public and private schools plus, home schooled students are invited from the following
MS counties: Hinds, Madison, Rankin, Scott and Warren. In a private session, invited older identified youth ages16-24 years old are also invited
through approved alternative education and workforce development programs. We have confirmed that 43 schools and 6,100 Central Mississippi students
will be in attendance over the 2-day event.


Pathways2Possibilities: P2P is an interactive, hands-on career exploration experience, designed to help 8th graders and older identified youth, ages
16-24, link their passions to a paycheck. Professionals engage the students through hands-on activities in their respective fields, while also
sharing what life is like in their jobs and the training and education required to attain them. Each student spends two hours exploring the pathways,
along with educators and chaperones. The following19 career pathways, aligned with US and Mississippi departments of education will be showcased:
Aerospace, Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources, Architecture & Construction, Arts, AV Technology & Communications, Business Management & Administration, Education & Training, Energy, Engineering & Polymer Science, Finance, Government & Public Administration, Health Science, Hospitality and Tourism, Human Services, Information Technology, Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security, Manufacturing, Marine Science, Marketing, Transportation Distribution and & Logistics.


Our presenting and platinum sponsors are the State of Mississippi, State Workforce Investment Board, United Way of the Capital Area, Goodwill Industries of South Mississippi, Inc. Mark Everson, Atmos Energy, C Spire Foundation, Convention Display Service and Hinds Community College.


P2P debuted in Biloxi, Mississippi in November 2013. Since that time the P2P planning teams have hosted 18 expos across the state. Over 80,000 Mississippi
students have attended, representing 39 of Mississippi’s 82 counties. We were honored to host our first out of state expo in February in partnership
with Frances P. Bunnelle Foundation, in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina where 5,500 8th graders attended from 7 SC counties.


To sign up as a community volunteer and to learn more about P2P visit our website at: