Professional TRAINING CLASSES (non-credit)
- Chaka Turner of Collabair, LLC has returned to Holmes to offer:
- Excel Introduction
- Excel Basic
- Excel Intermediate
- Excel Advanced
- Management 101
- Financial Peace University
These courses are completed in just a few hours. To enroll: visit
- Click here to explore Holmes CC Workforce:
- Specialty Programs (SHRM, ABE/GED, Electrical Linemen Training, Concrete Mixer/Truck Driver Training, and more.)
- Online Training & CEU offerings through Ed2Go
- Job Search & Interview tips
ABOUT WORKFORCE TRAINING: see attached document
Remember: we are here to support your business and grow employee productivity! Let the Holmes Workforce team help your business, build, implement, or facilitate training or continuing education.
Click here to fill out a VERY SHORT form about training needs, and we will contact you.